Thursday, November 22, 2018

List of Abbreviations

List of Abbreviations

3GPP = Third Generation Partnership Project

8-DPSK = Eight-phase differential phase shift keying

A2DP = Advanced Audio Distribution Profile

AAL = TM Adaptation Layer

ACK = Acknowledge

ACL = Asynchronous Connectionless

ACM = Address Complete Message

ADDTS = Add Traffic Specification

ADSL = Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

AES = Advanced Encryption Standard

AFH = Adaptive Frequency Hopping

AG = Audio Gateway

AGCH = Access Grant Channel

AICH = Acquisition Indication Channel

AID = Association identity

AIFSN = Arbitration Interframe Space Number

AKA = Authentication and key agreement

AM = Acknowledged mode

AMR = Adaptive Multirate

A-MSC = Anchor-Mobile Switching Center

ANM = Answer Message

ANR = Automatic Neighbor Relation

AP = Access point

APDUs = Application Protocol Data Units

APNs = Access Point Names

APSD = Automated Power Save Delivery

ARFCN = Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number

ARQ = Automatic Retransmission Request

ARQN = Automatic Retransmission Request Notification

AS = Access Stratum

ATM = Asynchronous transfer mode

AuC = Authentication Center

AUTN = Authentication token

AVCTP = Audio/Video Control Transport Protocol

AVDTP = Audio Video Distribution Transfer Protocol

AVRCP = Audio/Video Remote Control Profile

BCCH = Broadcast common control channel

BCCH = Broadcast Control Channel

BCH = Broadcast Channel

BCSM = Basic Call State Model

BEP = Bit error probability

BICC = Bearer-Independent Call Control

BICN = Bearer-Independent Core Network

BLER = Block error rates

BNEP = Bluetooth Network Encapsulation Protocol

BQTF = Bluetooth Qualification Test Facility

BS = Base station

BS = Best effort service

BSC = Base station controller

BSS = Base Station Subsystem

BSS = Basic service set

BSSGP = Base Station System GPRS Protocol

BSSMAP = Base Station Subsystem Mobile Application Part

BTS = Base transceiver station

CAMEL = Customized Applications for Mobile-Enhanced Logic

CC = Call Control

CC = Component carrier

CCCH = Common Control Channel

CCEs = Control Channel Elements

CCK = Complementary Code Keying

CD = Collision Detect/Data Carrier Detect

CDMA = Code Division Multiple Access

CDR = Call detail record

CFU = Call Forward Unreachable

CID = Connection identity

CISS = Call-independent supplementary services

CK = Ciphering key

CLIP = Calling Line Identification Presentation

CLIR = Calling Line Identification Restriction

CoMP = Coordinated Multipoint Operation

CPC = Continuous Packet Connectivity

CPICH = Common Pilot Channel

CQI = Channel Quality Indicator

CRC = Cyclic redundancy check

C-RNTI = Cell-Radio Network Temporary Identity

CS = Convergence sublayer

CS = Circuit-switched

CSCF = Call Session Control Function

CSMA/CA = Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance

CTCH = Common Traffic Channel

CTS = Clear to Send

DBPSK = Differential Binary Phase Shift Keying

DC = Dedicated control

DCCH = Dedicated Control Channel

DCD = Downlink channel description

DCF = Distributed coordination function

DCH = Dedicated Channel

DCI = Downlink Control Information

DF = Dedicated files

DHCP = Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

DIFS = Distributed Coordination Function Interframe Space

DLP = Direct link protocol

DL-SCH = Downlink Shared Channel

DNS = Domain name service

DP = Detection point

DPCCH = Dedicated Physical Control Channel

DPCH = Dedicated Physical Channel

DPDCH = Dedicated Physical Data Channel

DQPSK = Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keying

DRB = Data Radio Bearer

D-RNC = Drift RNC

DRS = Demodulation Reference Signals

DRX = Discontinuous reception

DSCP = Differentiated Services Code Point

DSL = Digital Subscriber Line

DSP = Digital signal processor

DSR = Data Set Ready

DSSS = Direct sequence spread spectrum

DTAP = Direct Transfer Application Part

DTCH = Dedicated Traffic Channel

DTIM = Delivery Traffic Indication Map

DTM = Dual transfer mode

DTMF = Dual tone multifrequency

DTR = Data Terminal Ready

DTX = Discontinuous transmission

DUN = Dial-up Network

DVRBs = Distributed Virtual Resource Blocks

E-AGCH = Enhanced Access Grant Channel

EAPs = Extensible Authentication Protocols


EAP-TLS = Extensible Authentication Protocol Transport Layer Security

ED = Enhanced Datarate

EDCA = Enhanced Distributed Channel Access

E-DCH = Enhanced-DCH

EDGE = Enhanced Datarates for GSM Evolution

E-DPDCH = Enhanced Dedicated Physical Data Channel

EEPROM = Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory

EF = Elementary files

EFR = Enhanced full-rate

EGPRS = Enhanced General Packet Radio Service

E-HICH = Enhanced HARQ Information Channel

EMLPP = Enhanced Multilevel Precedence and Preemption

EPC = Evolved Packet Core

E-RGCH = Enhanced Relative Grant Channel

E-RNTI = Enhanced Radio Network Temporary ID

eSCO = Enhanced-synchronous connection oriented

ESS = Extended Service Set

ETSI = European Telecommunication Standards Institute

EUL = Enhanced Uplink

E-UTRA = Evolved-UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access

EvDO = Evolution Data Only

FACCH = Fast Associated Control Channel

FACH = Forward Access Channel

FBI = Feedback indicator

FCCH = Frequency Correction Channel

FCH = Frame control header

FCI = Furnish Charging Information

FDD = Frequency division duplex

FDD = Full-duplex devices

FDMA = Frequency division multiple access

FEC = Forward error correction

FFR = Fractional Frequency Reuse

FFT = Fast Fourier Transformation

FHS = Frequency hopping synchronization

FHSS = Frequency hopping spread spectrum

FP = Frame Protocol

FR = Full-rate

FTDMA = Frequency and Time Division Multiple Access

FTP = File Transfer Protocol

FTP = File Transfer Profile

GAN = Generic Access Network

GAP = Generic Access Profile

GC = General control

GFSK = Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying

GGSN = Gateway GPRS Support Node

GI = Guard interval

GIF = Graphics interchange format

GMM = GPRS mobility management

G-MSC = Gateway Mobile Switching Center

GMSK = Gaussian minimum shift keying

GOEP = Generic Object Exchange Profile

GPC = Grant uplink bandwidth per connection

GPRS = General Packet Radio Service

GPS = Global Positioning System

GPSS = Grant uplink bandwidth per subscriber station

GSM = Global System for Mobile Communication

GTP = GPRS Tunneling Protocol

GUTI = Globally Unique Temporary Identity

HA = Home Agent

HARQ = Hybrid Automatic Retransmission Request

HCCA = Hybrid Coordination Function Controlled Channel Access

HCF = Hybrid Coordination Function

HCI = Host Controller Interface

HCS = Header check sequence

HEC = Header Error Check

HIDs = Human interface devices

HLR = Home Location Register

HR = Half-rate

HR/DSSS = High-rate/direct sequence spread spectrum

HSC = Home Subscriber Server

HSDPA = High-Speed Downlink Packet Access

HS-DSCH = High-Speed Downlink Shared Channel of HSDPA

HSPA = High-Speed Packet Access

HS-PDSCH = High-Speed Physical Downlink Shared Channel

HS-SCCH = High-Speed Shared Control Channel

HSUPA = High-Speed Uplink Packet Access

HT = High Throughput

HTML = Hypertext markup language

HTTP = HyperText Transfer Protocol

HTTPS = Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol

IAM = Initial Address Message

IAPP = Inter Access Point Protocol

IBSS = Independent Basic Service Set

ICE = In Case of Emergency

ICIC = Intercell Interference Coordination

IEEE = Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

IEs = Information Elements

IETF = Internet Engineering Task Force

IFFT = Inverse Fast Fourier Transformation

IK = Integrity key

IM = Instant messaging

IMAP = Internet Message Access Protocol

IMS = IP Multimedia Subsystem

IMSI = International Mobile Subscriber Identity

IN = Intelligent Network Subsystem

IP = Internet Protocol

IRAU = Inter SGSN routing area update

ISDN = Integrated Services Digital Network

ISM = Industrial, scientific, and medical

ISUP = Integrated Services Digital Network User Part

ITU = International Telecommunication Union

IV = Initialization vector

L_CH = Logical channel

L2CAP = Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol

LAC = Location area code

LAI = Location Area Identity

LAN = Local area network

LAPD = Link Access Protocol

LBS = Location-based services

LLC = Logical Link Control

LMP = Link Manager Protocol

LOS = Line of sight

LT_ADDR = Logical transfer address

LTE = Long Term Evolution

LU = Location update

LVRBs = Localized Virtual Resource Blocks

M3UA = MTP-3 User Adaptation Layer

MAC = Medium Access Control

MAN = Metropolitan area network

MAP = Mobile Application Part

MCC = Mobile Country Code

MCS = Modulation and coding schemes

MF = Main file

MG = Media Gateway

MIB = Master Information Block

MIC = Message Integrity Code

MIME = Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension

MIMO = Multiple Input Multiple Output

MITM = Man-in-the-middle

MM = Mobility Management

MME = Mobility Management Entity

MMS = Multimedia messaging service

MNC = Mobile Network Code

MNP = Mobile number portability

MOC = Mobile originated voice call

MRC = Maximum Ratio Combining

MS = mobile station

MSC = Mobile Switching Center

MSC-S = MSC Server

MSIN = Mobile Subscriber Identification Number

MSISDN = Mobile Subscriber Integrated Services Digital Network Number

MSRN = Mobile Station Roaming Number

MTP-1 = Message Transfer Part 1

MTS = Mobile TeleSystems

NACC = Network assisted cell change

NACK = Not Acknowledge

NAP = Network Access Point

NAS = Nonaccess Stratum

NAT = Network Address Translation

NAV = Network Allocation Vector

NBAP = Node-B Application Part

NDC = National destination code

NFC = Near Field Communication

NOM = Network operation mode

NSAPI = Network subsystem access point identifier

NSS = Network Subsystem

OBEX = Object Exchange

OFDM = Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing

OFDMA = Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access

OMA = Open Mobile Alliance

OSI = Open System Interconnection

OVSF = Orthogonal Variable Spreading Factor

PACCH = Packet-Associated Control Channel

PAGCH = Packet Access Grant Channel

PAN = Personal area network

PANU = Personal area network users

PAPR = Peak to Average Power Ratio

PBCCH = Packet Broadcast Control Channel

PBCH = Physical Broadcast Channel

PCCCH = Packet Common Control Channel

PCCH = Paging Control Channel

P-CCPCH = Primary Common Control Physical Channel

PCFICH = Physical Control Format Indicator Channel

PCH = Paging Channel

PCI = Physical Cell Identity

PCM = Pulse code-modulated

PCRF = Policy Control Resource Function

PCU = Packet Control Unit

PDCCH = Physical Downlink Control Channel

PDCP = Packet Data Convergence Protocol

PDN-GW = Packet Data Network Gateway

PDP = Packet Data Protocol

PDSCH = Physical Downlink Shared Channel

PDTCH = Packet data traffic channel

PDU = Packet data unit

PEAP = Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol

PHICH = Physical Hybrid Automatic Retransmission Request Indicator Channel

PLCP = Physical Layer Convergence Procedure

PLMN = Public Land Mobile Network

PMI = Precoding Matrix Indicator

PMM = Packet Mobility Management

POP = Post Office Protocol

PPCH = Packet paging channel

PPP = Point-to-point protocol

PPTP = Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol

PRACH = Physical Random Access Channel

PRN = Provide Roaming Number

PSC = Primary Scrambling Code

P-SCH = Primary Synchronization Channels

PSK = Preshared Key

PSM = Protocol service multiplexer

PSMP = Power Save Multipoll

PSS = Primary synchronization signal

PSTN = Public Standard Telephone Network

PTCCH = Packet timing advance control channel

P-TMSI = Packet-temporary mobile subscriber identity

PUCCH = Physical Uplink Control Channel

PUSCH = Physical Uplink Shared Channel

QAM = Quadrature Amplitude Modulation

QoS = Quality of Service

QPSK = Quadrature Phase Shift Keying

RAB = Radio Access Bearer

RACH = Random Access Channel

RADIUS = Remote Authentication Dial In User Service

RANAP = Radio Access Network Application Part

RAND = Random number

RAT = Radio Access Technology

RAU = Routing area update

RB = Resource Block

RE = Resource Element

REG = Resource Element Group

REL = Release
RI Rank Indicator

RIFS = Reduced Interframe Space

RISC = Reduced instruction set

RLC = Radio link control

RLC = Release Complete

R-MSC = Relay-Mobile Switching Center

RNC = Radio Network Controller

RNSAP = Radio Network Subsystem Application Part

RoHC = Robust Header Compression

RRC = Radio Resource Control

RRH = Remote Radio Head

RSCP = Received Signal Code Power

RSN = Retransmission Sequence Num

RSRP = Reference Signal Received Power

RSRQ = Reference Signal Received Quality

RSSI = Received Signal Strength Indication

RTD = Round-trip delay

RTG = Receive transition gap

RTP = Real-time Transport Protocol

RTS = Request to send

RV = Redundancy version

RX = Reception

S1-CP = S1 Control Plane

S1-UP = S1 User Plane

SABM = Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode

SACCH = Slow Associated Control Channel

SAE = Service Architecture Evolution

SAFER = Secure and Fast Encryption Routine

SAP = Service access point

S-APSD = Scheduled-Automated Power Save Delivery

SAT = SIM application toolkit

SAW = Stop and Wait

SBC = Sub-band codec

SCC AS = Service Centralization and Continuity Application Server

SCCP = Signaling Connection and Control Part

S-CCPCH = Secondary Common Control Physical Channel

SC-FDMA = Single-Carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access

SCH = Synchronization Channel

SCO = Synchronous connection-oriented

SCP = Service Control Point

SCTP = Stream Control Transmission Protocol

SDCCH = Standalone Dedicated Control Channel

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